
Frequently asked questions

General Your loan application Supporting documents Open banking Managing your loan

Here are some examples of which document formats we accept:

We accept:

  • Documents uploaded using our online tool, Jumio.
    You will be asked to scan the required documents. This is a two-step process that requires access to your device’s camera to scan the document and verify your identity.
    This is a quick and secure way to upload your documents and help prevent identity fraud.
  • Scans or photographs of original documents that are clear and show the full document
    Please note, this applies only to original documents you would have received in paper format e.g., utility bills, council letters, bank statements, wage slips, or similar letters received in the post as an original paper document.

Unfortunately, we do not accept:

  • Scans or photographs of a printed PDF document
    If the original document you received was as a PDF e.g., a council tax bill or utility bill generated online as a PDF and then saved and printed out, we, unfortunately, will not be able to accept a scan or photograph of that. Any PDF documents should be uploaded in their original form.
  • Photographs of the document on another screen.
  • Screenshots that were taken on a mobile phone or desktop/laptop computer

For a full list of documents, you might need during your application, please refer to our page on Supporting Documents

Once you’ve submitted all the required documents our Underwriting team will review this. The timescales at this stage can vary especially during busy periods. If you have submitted your document on a weekend or a bank holiday, our Underwriting team will start their review on the following working day.

There may be occasions where our Underwriting team might need additional documents. If that is the case with your application, we will be in touch with you promptly to let you know.

Once we have a decision, we will send you an email highlighting next steps which include adding your debit card and e-signing your contract.

When applying for a loan you need to provide certain documents to support the information you provided in your application. Having these documents on hand when applying for a loan can help speed up the process.  

The exact documents we might ask for vary from application to application. You can find a list of which documents we might ask for and what formats we accept on our Supporting Documents webpage.

Can't find what you are looking for?

If you can't find what you are looking for then head on over to our contact page to see how best to contact us. Our Southampton based staff are available to help answer your questions.